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Get in touch

"Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you".

[Matthew 5:42]

Contact Us

Francis Cave / Debbie Skeil, Churchwardens

Anne Henderson, Treasurer

Becky Brown, Parish Administrator

Janet Kingsley, Parish Safeguarding Officer

Rev'd Kia Pakenham (Abinger Parish Office)

01306 737160


Holmbury Church is open all day, every day, for prayer, meditation, and quiet contemplation. There are services in church almost every Sunday. For times of services please check the Home page, the church porch or a copy of the Holmbury St Mary and Wotton Parish News (available at the back of the church).

St Mary the Virgin

Horsham Road

Holmbury St Mary


Surrey RH5 6PF

Be Inspired
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