The Holmbury Tuesday and Thursday Cafés
Launched in the Church Room in 2019, this informal and sociable community venture, originally only open on Tuesdays, has now expanded its horizons a little and is open on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Repair Café
We often feature the Repair Café, a drop-in service offering to repair your garments and gadgets if we can.
Book and DVD exchange
We now have a selection of books and DVDs, for children too, that you are welcome to borrow or exchange for something from your own collection that you no longer need and others might welcome.
Watch this space for new offerings.
Tuesdays and Thursdays,11.00 am - 1.00 pm
If you'd like the cafe to be open on other mornings in the week, and can help with one or more sessions, please get in touch with
Francis Cave: churchwardens@holmburystmary.org.uk
It’s easy to get involved – just come!