Happy Easter, Everybody!
I hope you are all keeping safe and staying well at this difficult time. It's hard not being able to get together and play with our friends, but we can keep in touch through the website and our phones and social media - and we can still have fun!
Explore this page for some Easter activities, songs, a story and a prayer, which I hope you will enjoy.
And we know that wherever we are, our special friend, Jesus, is with us all the time.
Marilyn x
A note for parents:
For the activities, it would be helpful to have feltpens or crayons, scissors, card, glue stick and a tray and items from the garden available, too. If they're not to hand, you can still enjoy the story and the songs straight away.
Share a prayer with Marilyn
God made you and God made me,
He made the world for us to see.
God loves you and long ago,
He sent his Son to tell us so.
Jesus showed us many things,
To love and share and dance and sing.
To learn and pray, to help and care,
He promised he'd always be there.
He died but then came back to life,
Let's celebrate for he's alive!
Make an Easter Garden
Suitable for all ages
Make an Easter card
Suitable for older children
Make an Easter Bunny finger puppet